Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Let Me Introduce Myself and My MS Story

HELLO! I am Jessica Let me tell you about my experience with Multiple Sclerosis. At age 6, I had a stroke, now we know that it was not a stroke, but it was the first sign of MS.  At age 17 years old, I lost vision in my left eye. I thought I scratched my eye.  After going to countless numbers of doctors, I ended up at Shands in Gainsville.  There I was diagnosed with optic neuritis with is usually a symptom of M.S.  I was admitted into the hospital and given a spinal tap, blood work, MRI and numerous diagnostic testing.   It was confirmed that my diagnosis was Multiple Sclerosis.  To this day, I really cannot explain how I felt, being so young diagnosed with a disease that has no cure. It was life changing.  I was immediately given sol-u-medrol (IV steroids) I also had to begin taking shots 3 times a week, it was life shattering. Having M.S. was something I could not control, but I realized I could control my educational track. I graduated from high school later that year.  I attended community college, where I earned m my A.A degree.  I then went to The University of North Florida where I earned my Bachelor’s Degree majoring in History and minoring in English.  I continued my education and received my Master’s Degree in Education with a Disability Services track.  I also worked throughout my time in school.  I wanted to be independent. As my disease progressed, many of my abilities have slowly been lost.  I have to use a walker, wheel chair and electric scooter depending on what my unpredictable disease decides to hand me that day.  I am no longer working (but I am on the hunt for employment) and am on disability. I want to let you take this Journey with me...Jessica's Journey! I am so excited to start this blog and bring awareness to Multiple Sclerosis!

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